Often times, one would find that most ladies love to depend so much on their man for almost every single thing. It breaks my heart to hear a lady say, "my boyfriend has not given me money this month..." As if the boyfriend is some superman without needs and responsibilities. You need to understand that as a man, he has his own needs too, just as you have yours. Some young men come from homes where the father is deceased and they are more like pillars in the home; providing for their mother and siblings. Sometimes, he may not even meet his own needs due to family responsibilities. As a lady, you have a man who carries such loads of responsibility, you should appreciate and commend his efforts,rather than nagging and complaining about how he has not met your own needs. All you are concerned about is the fact that he has not sent you money for call credit, new hair, new clothes, new phone, and your endless list.
Do you ever pause to think of how easy and sweet life would be if you stopped being so demanding and focus on becoming more financially understanding, encouraging and self dependent? The amazing thing is that some ladies do not even know the kind of job these young men do to earn the money being lavished on them. Some of them do not even appreciate their men. They have never told him "well-done." They do not care to know and understand the kind of pain, suffering, stress and risk he goes through to be able to make whatever he gives out to them.
I once asked a lady what her boyfriend does for a living and her response was "I can't really say. All I know is he is into a business. I do not know what kind of business but the money is mad!..." You see, the problem most ladies have is that they carry this funny mindset that once they are in a relationship with a man, he is now supposed to be like an ATM or POS that would always provide them cash anytime they want and when he fails, hell is let loose. Some even go as far as calling off the relationship all because their boyfriends couldn't give them money when they asked, forgetting that these men are also humans with needs and wants to be satisfied and catered for.
My point, my lovely ladies is this; I'm not implying that your man should not meet some of your needs financially, but when you make it look like it is your birthright or a life and death affair, then it becomes a very serious source of concern and at this point, caution is needed. My advise therefore to my lovely ladies is for you to strive for self reliance and financial independence. Get something doing no matter how small it is. Do not make yourself be a financial burden on your man.
To men try to encourage your woman to choose a handwork for herself and if possible, set her up in it; Make her understand that it pays to be creative, hardworking and financially independent. Teach her to work and be a help mate-as it is scriptural, so she doesn't become a burden to you.
I do hope this piece inspires some beautiful lady out there to get something doing today. Just so you know, you are worth more than silver and gold, you are not inferior and you are not a domestic slave.
Be inspired
Be creative
Be a strong girl
This article was written by DuzaTee and first published on duzatee blog.
Often times, one would find that most ladies love to depend so much on their man for almost every single thing. It breaks my heart to hear a lady say, "my boyfriend has not given me money this month..." As if the boyfriend is some superman without needs and responsibilities. You need to understand that as a man, he has his own needs too, just as you have yours. Some young men come from homes where the father is deceased and they are more like pillars in the home; providing for their mother and siblings. Sometimes, he may not even meet his own needs due to family responsibilities. As a lady, you have a man who carries such loads of responsibility, you should appreciate and commend his efforts,rather than nagging and complaining about how he has not met your own needs. All you are concerned about is the fact that he has not sent you money for call credit, new hair, new clothes, new phone, and your endless list.
Do you ever pause to think of how easy and sweet life would be if you stopped being so demanding and focus on becoming more financially understanding, encouraging and self dependent? The amazing thing is that some ladies do not even know the kind of job these young men do to earn the money being lavished on them. Some of them do not even appreciate their men. They have never told him "well-done." They do not care to know and understand the kind of pain, suffering, stress and risk he goes through to be able to make whatever he gives out to them.
I once asked a lady what her boyfriend does for a living and her response was "I can't really say. All I know is he is into a business. I do not know what kind of business but the money is mad!..." You see, the problem most ladies have is that they carry this funny mindset that once they are in a relationship with a man, he is now supposed to be like an ATM or POS that would always provide them cash anytime they want and when he fails, hell is let loose. Some even go as far as calling off the relationship all because their boyfriends couldn't give them money when they asked, forgetting that these men are also humans with needs and wants to be satisfied and catered for.
My point, my lovely ladies is this; I'm not implying that your man should not meet some of your needs financially, but when you make it look like it is your birthright or a life and death affair, then it becomes a very serious source of concern and at this point, caution is needed. My advise therefore to my lovely ladies is for you to strive for self reliance and financial independence. Get something doing no matter how small it is. Do not make yourself be a financial burden on your man.
To men try to encourage your woman to choose a handwork for herself and if possible, set her up in it; Make her understand that it pays to be creative, hardworking and financially independent. Teach her to work and be a help mate-as it is scriptural, so she doesn't become a burden to you.
I do hope this piece inspires some beautiful lady out there to get something doing today. Just so you know, you are worth more than silver and gold, you are not inferior and you are not a domestic slave.
Be inspired
Be creative
Be a strong girl
This article was written by DuzaTee and first published on duzatee blog.
Duzatee is a final year student of English and counseling psychology. She's a singer, blogger, PR and upcoming writer.
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